What is Chiropractic?

So, what is chiropractic? For a start it’s the worlds third largest primary health profession after medicine and dentistry. It utilises manual manipulation and deep tissue massage to treat disorders of the musculoskeletal system. You may also be given ergonomic advice and stretches to do at home. We take a full medical history and take into account the patients lifestyle, along with orthopaedic and neurological examination to assess and diagnose the problem. Chiropractors are qualified to take and read X-rays if necessary.

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Treatment plans vary from patient to patient, but most people require at least more than one to make a full recovery. I try to treat twice a week until significant improvement is seen. We can then spread the treatments out gently to make sure the problem doesn’t creep back. Once you are feeling 100% better it’s up to you whether you want to continue with preventative treatment. This is generally more for patients with chronic or reoccurring problems. I don’t believe in unethical practise, and if I don’t think you require further treatment I will tell you.

Chiropractic was founded in 1895 and has come a very long way in that time. It is an evidence based profession and not only safe but effective in treating musculoskeletal disorders. To prove it, here is a link to a recent publication on the effectiveness of Chiropractic treatment compared to standard medical treatments.

Chiropractors are governed by the General Chiropractic Council (GCC) and have an ethical code of practise to follow. If you require any further information please visit the GCC website.